Hebron Historical Society Founders

The following individuals were the founding members of the society in August 1971:

Eleanor Allen, Kate M. Bearce, Roger M. Bearce, Rachel B. Conant, Marion Davis, Harold E. Hall and Helen Perry.

Charter Members:

Name Name
Roger Mellen Bearce Ernest & Frances Bumpus
Clarence & Rachel Conant Deborah and Susan Crist
Robert P. & Marion S. Crist Dwight & Sadie Cushman
Lawrence & Elsie Davis Lloyd & Marion Davis
Harold & Mildred Hall Lucy Henderson
Mark & Anita Kingsley Bernard Lowell
Leslie & Helen Perry William Quaintance
Mildred Sturtevant Robie & Edelle Sturtevant
David & Dorothy Whittier


From the time of the societies founding, meetings were held in various members residences and the Hebron Baptist Church til the Brighton Hilll School/Moody Library became available in 1983. At that time a small storage room was offered to the society for the storage of artifact materials.

The Moody Libraries existance started in 1922 when Mr. W.A. Knauff estate donated money to found a public library. In December 1922, the Selectmen of the Town of Hebron received a letter from the Waterville, Maine lawyer, W.A. Knauff, wich proved to be the foundation and starting point of the Moody Library. The text was as follows:

"December 20, 1922

I take pleasure in enclosing herewith the amount due your Town from the estate of the late Emma Moody Knauff.

I quote you below the particular section covering this lagacy.

"I give and bequeath to the Town of Hebron, Maine that sum of $1500.00 to found a public library, to be called the Moody Library, in memory of my first husband, William King Moody."

Enclosed receipt should be signed by the proper authority and returned before mailing check.

Respectfully yours,
W.A. Knaff

Dr. William King Moody and his brother, Prof. John F. Moody, were born in Kingfield, Maine but in the 1840s their parents purchased the original Record homestead in Hebron and moved into this town, presumably in part to be near Hebron Academy for the education of their children. Both brothers graduated from Colby College; John Franklin eventually followed a career in education. He was, among other posts during his career, Principal of Hebron Academy from 1874 to 1878. William King Moody became a doctor and lived and practiced in Waterville for the rest of his life.

The Moody Library for many years had no building of its own but was given quarters in the Grange Hall, in one Academy property or another, in the village church, etc., growing steadily, functioning with entirely volunteer librarians and assistants. For many years Mrs. Lucy E. Henderson (nee Sturtevant) was the heart and soul of the operation. Funds raised by the town in addition to income from the original legacy financed the library.

Eventually the State Library Bookmobile worked Moody Library into its regular itinerary, thanks to the intercession of Mrs. Henderson. This service continued until 1982, affording the Moody Library the loan of quarterly collections of current books. This State service was out of existence as of 1 July 1982.

With the merging of several towns into Administrative District #17, Hebron's one room Brighton Hill District School became available for purchase by the town of Hebron for stipulated occupancy and use by the Moody Library. The Administrators of SAD #17 accepted a very modest financial offer of the Town of Hebron voted at a special Town Meeting, and since that time the Moody Library has had a permanent home.

At annual town meetings funds are voted for the needs of the library beyond amounts produced by invested funds or gifts from friends. Besides purchases of books, current magazines and many books are donated to the library by friends and friends of friends.

The Friends of Moody Library, an organization established some years ago, met to reorganize and establish further supporting activities for the year 1983. All supporting activities are by volunteers.

From the original legacy of $1500.00 in 1922, Moody Library has developed a modest, but active community library.
Signed: RMB [Roger Milton Bearce]

The Moody Library & the Town Office conference room were used for our meetings for many years. In November 2010 the estate of Mr. Richard E. Bedford sold his home located across from the Hebron Town Office to the society. During 2011, major remodeling of the first floor was accomplished and we now have archival storage, display area and a research area. Additional remodeling will be accomplished in the future.

Contact information
Hebron Historical Society
358 Paris Road
P.O. Box 294
Hebron, ME 04238

Click here to email us. All communications should be via email or U.S. Postal Service.

The Officers of the society from July 2020 to June 2021 are:


President, James MacDonald; Vice-President, Bob Swift; Treasurer, Bob Swift and Secretary, Joan Deans.
Directors are: Andrea Powers, Ruth MacDonald, Julie Deans, Bruce Conant,  Richard Hatch, Jane Croston

Contact Us Today!

Hebron Historical Society
PO Box 294

Hebron, Me 04238

Phone: 207-966-3727


E-mail: hhs@hebronmehistsoc.org