Our latest publication is now available Titled Life in Maine Then and Now is an updated version of the Hebron Then and Now book. Lots of new and interesting information accompanied with great photos.

Special thanks to Beth Francis former owner of the East Hebron Storekeepers store for her extensive work compling the information and helping us get it printed.  The book is priced at $15.00 and is selling quickly. 

Latest Hebron Historical Society Newsletter
Hebron Historical Society Newsletter Sum[...]
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What's New 

We would love you to join us !
Hebron Maine historical Society Membersh[...]
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Saving the East Hebron Train Building

We continue to improve the building with your support. Electric power and lighting has been added to our second floor, and our first floor interior renovations are nearly complete. Unfortunatley an errant driver left the road last January and destroyed our covered front porch. We are currently looking for a contractor to help us rebuild it, and add a disability ramp so all can have access. We are working toward an open house. 


Doesn't look like much does it ! It's however the remaing piece of the East Hebron Train Station. We are trying our utmost to save the building from demolition. Once it's gone it's gone.

Research into the buildings past is ongoing. If you happen to have any old photos we would really like to see them.


Here is a photo before we started on the rear roof. 




After a lot of hard work here is a photo of the rear roof shingled and lookin good!

The white rope near the top is a safety rope used while working up on the roof.

You can also see that the old roof had a big sag in the right corner after repair its nice and straight. As of the end of August 2024 we have replaced most of the rotten and broken roof boards. The last will be replaced as soon as we have the milled out at a local lumber yard.

I'm hoping you will be as us to see some new paint on the building. 











 Remember we have a Go Fund Me page. Simply copy and paste https://www.gofundme.com/east-hebron-maine-train-building into your address field on your browser. 


We accept donations any way you can donate. Many have chosen to send money directly to the Hebron Historical Society, some The Hebron Town Office is another good oppurtunity.